Ciao, part 3
Hi again, just here to report that I'm having a lovely, relaxing weekend, just hanging out here in Siena. Yesterday I finally tried using the ATM at Banca Toscana, and everything seemed to work fine. Yippee. Today I went to the supermarket in the street right next to mine and got some stuff to make salad, since I don't think I've been eating enough veggies. I've been good, though -- I have fruits and everything! It's a good thing Mom thought of me bringing those Centrum Forte multivitamins, though. Good idea.
Did some sightseeing before I came here to use the Internet; just went to look at the Basicilica S. Francesco and some building in some piazza that I forget the name of but looked pretty nice. I'm so glad someone showed me the little bar that's right near res, where you can get té con latte and croissants and whatever else you might want for your breakfast. Or in my case, on the weekends, a sort of late breakfast/brunch since, for some reason, I get up at 8:30 and don't get out the door until more around, say, 10:30-ish. Time flies when you don't have anywhere you
need to be...
They have a special kind of pasta here called Pici (pronounced like "peachy"...heh) that's quite good, too. Anyone seen any in Canada?
Someone came by my room earlier and told me that someone's going to be moving into my room tomorrow, so I guess that means they're not moving me somewhere else, after all. Hope my new roommate speaks English...
Anyway -- El, you're really not so good with this whole Internet anonymity thing, are ya? Lol. First you put my name in between quotation marks (for Heaven knows what reason . . .) and then you also include your own last name. Tsk tsk. Guess you don't really get how that works... ;)
K, ttyal. I'm gonna walk around some more. Which reminds me, I need to get some more water. Found a Minimarket on Via di Città that sells 1.5L bottles for 0.50 Euros. Not bad, not bad at all...
Oh, one more thing -- anyone want anything [small and easy to pack in a suitcase] from here that they want me to bring back for them? You know, like I'm looking around for stuff that might make nice souvenirs or little gifts, but if you all give me some more to work with here, that might turn out better. *shrugs* Let me know. :)